“Granny’s Tipple” Club Big Brew

After a long hiatus –what with the pandemic and all– the club once again held a Big Brew, kindly hosted by Max and Rochelle, on Max’s 3 barrel brew house. The recipe was a perennial club favorite: Granny’s Tipple barleywine.

Granny’s Tipple, or Granny as “she” is affectionately known, is an award-winning English-style barleywine, generally falling in the 9-10% abv range. The recipe was devised by club member and former club president, Robbie Proctor. Robbie traditionally brews Granny every Boxing Day in honor of his grandmother, who favored barleywines.

On this occasion we brewed roughly 90 gallons, and distributed the wort among club members who had signed up for it on the Events channel on the DOZE Slack account.

If you are interested in the recipe look here (you must be an AHA member for access).

To try a commercial version of Granny, visit Danville Brewing Company in downtown Danville.