DOZE garnered several honors at the 22nd edition of the Northern California Homebrewers Festival (NCHF). recently held at Lake Francis Resort in Dobbins, CA.

The entry co-brewed by Gordon Mauger and Johnathan Snoderly was selected by popular vote as the best beer in the Tropical IPA category in the Club Keg Competition, and also won Best of Show Beer in the Lee Shepard Memorial Club Keg Competition.

In addition, DOZE was selected by the other clubs to receive the coveted Best Club Beer award in recognition of the quality of the beer served at the club booth at NCHF. The honor was shared, in a tied vote, with Vallejo’s I Do Brew Crew.

And, not to be outdone, Sebastian Broemel, won first place for height in the keg tossing competition!