We welcome all Bay Area homebrewers, and those interested becoming homebrewers, to attend our monthly meetings and events. Yearly club memberships for 2024 are $45 and can be purchased at club meetings or through our online store.
Club dues are applied toward facility rental costs, food purchases, beer tasting, and subsidizing club events. Membership cards can be collected at monthly meetings after purchase.
With your paid membership you …
- Will be part of one of the largest and most active homebrew clubs in the Bay Area
- May join the internal club discussion channels on Slack
- May vote in club elections, and run for elected club offices
- Can receive discounts on purchases at MoreBeer! homebrew supply showrooms by presenting your DOZE membership card
- Can claim DOZE as your homebrew club adding recognition to competition submissions and help DOZE accumulate points in club-based competitions
- May attend the Northern California Homebrewers Festival (NCHF)
- Are eligible for special members-only events, outings, and offers
Once you have joined, you should request to join the DOZE channels on the Slack app, which serve as the club’s internal online discussion forum.